Topic 1: Defining Community
Community might be defined as a territorial concept as situated in a given geographical location and boundaries.
- Community has a name, borders, landmarks and recognizable symbols
- The sense of belonging to particular community is related to a place (national state, village, town, or neighborhood, etc.)
- The community territories are subject of policies (e.g. a ghetto - a districts that isolates minorities or gated communities)
- The concept of community includes social and cultural
- The community members are connected by shared, norms, values, and customs that express their identity

The development of tourism is linked to the participatory approach of the local community. The interrelationship between cultures, communities and traditions has always been the biggest challenge and at one of the strongest movers for the development of tourism in Plovdiv region. The unique historical and cultural diversity of the region, its natural and social resources and specific cultural and native landscape offer a variety of opportunities to developing sustainable tourism.
Strategy for integrated and sustainable tourism of Plovdiv region 2019-2027